วันศุกร์ที่ 24 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2557

How To Get Just Ripped

How To Get Just Ripped

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Know the system 6 abdominal workouts a week to get the muscle definition of dreams

Everyone must have heard at least once, the recommendation that we should not train the same muscle group every day, because he needs time to recover and grow. Well, follow this advice and training each muscle after four or five days off for that body part and abdomen and calves workout every two or three days. But where is the much desired definition in my abdomen? Unfortunately she is not present! This sounds very familiar? One day, I'm reading about some models and they claim to train the abdomen every day. "Stupid," I mutter to myself, aware that this strategy is incorrect. What do they know? They should not have the slightest scientific evidence that this works! For sure I am correct. They have no evidence to present, just a ripped and highly defined abdomen. And several girls behind them. Surely this is what I want and be able to do anything to get it, even if I have to better organize my diet and train the abdomen every day. Only there, then, but one way to know if my abs training six days a week will get more definition: putting into practice this recommendation!

You can be sure that anyone with minimal knowledge of training will never recommend that you train chest six times a week or every train biceps workout for muscle gain.
In fact, exercise is the stimulus to trigger muscle growth and increased muscle strength, but the rest and nutrition are the key points for these phenomena happen. Forgetting to take the time and nutrients needed, there is no gain in muscle mass or strength.
But the abs are not like other muscles, first are almost always in a state of contraction for work in maintaining body posture, both in daily activities such as during exercise. This explains why the abdominal muscle have a higher resistance to other muscle groups, which justifies train them sometimes with high reps protocols and more frequently myth.
The abdominal have a balanced proportion of fast and slow fibers, which allows you to use high and low reps in different workouts in a week without the risk of overloading these muscles. Despite being a single rectus abdominis muscle, you can train it at different angles to emphasize a little more some areas. Something similar to perform supine inclined to focus the work of the High pectorals.
Although you can not isolate the upper portion of the lower portion of the abdomen during an exercise, some movements work a little more with respect to one another. This leads us to conclude that we should use different exercises for these muscles.
In a very simplistic way, when stabilizes the trunk and lifts the hips and legs, you prioritize work in low (below the navel) portion.
On the other hand, when stabilizes the legs and hips and move your chest toward them, will be emphasizing the high (supra-umbilical) portion.
In our program, the first two workouts are directed to the rectus abdominis using these principles.
The third workout prioritizes the work of this other muscles in the abdomen, obliques. They are responsible for the trunk movements in which performs the rotational movement which, basically, the shoulder is directed opposite to the knee. The obliques also act in the movements of lateral flexion of the trunk.

Although you can work your abs every day, do not mean you should do it. I do not particularly recommend six days a week for most bodybuilders.
Two to three times a week working different areas is the ideal way to ensure excellent results in appearance, endurance and strength of these muscles.
For those who can train more often, it is advisable to divide the training days in different areas and, consequently, with different movements for the upper portion, lower portion and the obliques.
This strategy will avoid overloading the abdominal movements all working on each day of training, and especially trying to keep the volume low workout.
This implies short workouts, wanted in a maximum of six series, divided into two series each with three exercises, avoiding the risk of overloading these muscles must be used.
Finally, always keep in mind that not every day will train the abdominals to melt the fat that is located in the abdomen.
No amount or variety of your abdominal training to be able to decrease your body fat.
The burning of localized fat is a myth without scientific and practical support. You must combine strength training with aerobic exercises and especially should have a diet with fewer calories than your body needs.
In this diet you should consume complex carbohydrates and lean sources of protein, and a low intake of fats, consuming only those who are healthy oils in fish, olive oil and nuts, for example.
If you want to accelerate the results, do aerobics five times a week, lasting 25-30 minutes of interval training using exercise protocols.
It may seem a lot of work, but I warned at the beginning of this article, he was willing to do anything to define my abs.
Now just put your hands dirty and wait for the results!

Lower abdomen - HIGH REPEAT

RISE OF THE HIP - lift your hips vertically, trying to bring the soles of your feet on the ceiling and using a slow and controlled motion.

REVERSE CRUNCH - lift your hips directing the knees to the chest while keeping your hands resting for better stabilization.

Exercise Repetitions Series
Rise of Hip 3 20 ?? 30
Reverse Crunch 3 20-30

Prof. note. Benito Olmos:
Usually these movements are executed incorrectly, in which the practitioner uses an initial impulse to perform the elevation of the hip. Usually this momentum is carried by the movement of thighs and generates a dynamic and fast-moving that provides little contraction of the abdominal muscles and exposes the spine in your lower back to high overloads. Look, first, contracting the abdomen pressing your navel toward your spine, because this maneuver will activate the stabilizing muscles of the spine beyond the stomach. Then start the motion slowly, using the strength of the abdomen. This way you will not be able to run the same number of repetitions that is capable when using the first described motion. But, instead, the work of your abdomen will be much higher and your lower back will thank you!


BENDING ABDOMINAL - avoid getting down to the point where your hip comes into contact with the board. Vary the angle of the board to vary the degree of difficulty. Keep your spine and head aligned during the execution of the exercise.

Prof. note. Benito Olmos:
The position of the spine in your lower back should be observed while performing this movement. You should avoid bending the region, as evidenced by the arching of the lumbar spine in the external sense. This movement will cause big burden on vertebral discs if this detail is not observed.

CRUNCH IN PULLEY - kneeling and with the trunk upright, start bending motion of the trunk without altering the natural curvature of the spine. Keep the hand holding the rope all the time in the same position.

Prof. note. Benito Olmos:
Avoid the temptation of using the extension motion of the shoulders, pulling the rope with his arms, because this way you will be dispersing the focus of the exercise.
Exercise Repetitions Series
Crunch Pulley 3 in 10 ?? 12
Abdominal Flexion 3 10 ?? 12


TRUNK ROTATION - Raise the shoulder towards the knee of the opposite leg, keeping your arms in the same position. Avoid bringing your elbows during the movement.

Prof. note. Benito Olmos:
Search perform motion slowly and use the maximum possible rotation of the chest. Upon reaching the maximum amplitude of the movement hold for 1-2 seconds and then slowly return to starting position alternating sides with each repetition.

LATERAL BENDING ON SWISS BALL - make sure that the swiss ball is stabilized and perform the movement of lateral flexion to the maximum extent possible.

Prof. note. Benito Olmos:
To make the most effective and functional exercise, rest your feet against the wall and do not use any form of stabilization for the swiss ball. This way you will be required to stabilize the trunk during movement and this will recruit and develop the stabilizing muscles of the spine. These muscles is extremely important to protect the spine during numerous physical activities.

Exercise Repetitions Series
Lateral Flexion on swiss ball 20 3 ?? 30
Trunk rotation 3 20 ?? 30


LIFTING OF SUSPENSION LEG - with legs extended, lift them as high as possible without using rocking movements. Your hips should move to the front of the trunk. For beginners, use the same motion with the leg flexed (bent).

Prof. note. Benito Olmos:
This move is a very high degree of difficulty, and, if not performed in a controlled and slow, large amount of mechanical stress will be directed to the lumbar region. Avoid the use of pulses to the start of seek movement and retain the legs in the upper position of each repetition for at least two seconds at the highest possible abdominal contraction.

PLANK IN REVERSE CRUNCH - lift your hips and lower back slowly directing the knees to the chest.

Prof. note. Benito Olmos:
Use the same guidelines described above in reverse Crunch

Exercise Repetitions Series
Elevation of the legs suspended 3 10 ?? 12
Reverse Crunch Plank 3 in 10-12


CRUNCH WITH LEGS IN SUSPENSION - with legs suspended, perform the lifting motion of the chest while pressing your lower back into the ground.

Prof. note. Benito Olmos:
Seeks to avoid the natural tendency to pull the head during motion, as this will only add unnecessary overhead to the cervical (neck).

CRUNCH WITH LEGS EXTENDED - raise your chest directing hands to feet. There is no enforcement of hands reaching to touch his feet.

Prof. note. Benito Olmos:
During the lifting, avoid stretching the shoulders for a greater outreach to the hands. To avoid this trend, keep your shoulders engaged during movement, performing only the maximum possible chest rise.

Exercise Repetitions Series
Crunch with legs suspended 3 20 ?? 30
Crunch with legs extended 3 20-30


OBLIQUE pulley - use the trunk rotation of directing the elbow to the knee of the opposite leg.

Prof. note. Benito Olmos:
The position of the spine is of great importance in this movement, avoiding disturbing the natural curvature of the region during the turning movement of the trunk. Another common compensation in this movement is the use of the arm movement to aid in traction overhead, which will decrease the work the obliques during exercise.

LATERAL TRUNK BENDING - flex the trunk laterally, bringing the elbow hip.

Prof. note. Benito Olmos:
Like other movements of great effectiveness, lateral flexion of the trunk offers if performed at high speed, unnecessary spinal integrity risks. To minimize these risks, the motion search run slow and controlled fashion during movement and maintain the lumbar muscles contracted.
Exercise Repetitions Series
Oblique pulley 3 20 ?? 30
Lateral flexion of the trunk 3 20 ?? 30

